
Banter on Tulips and a Tribe Called Quest, Jay-Z and John Coltrane, Outkast and Othello.


2006: One Time for Ya Mind

A believe a trio called Shalamar said it best. "Make that move right now, baby/ You only go around once in a lifetime." (~from "Make that Move", which plays now)

Well this being the case, I am trying to do all that I can to make things quite crunktastic this year. (Read: I'm rocking till the wheels fall off and I'm rollin' down the skreet with one skate and a sneaker!) I tend to be a swim-upstream-and-against-the-current kind of chic, (I have never read a Harry Potter book and there's that anti-iPod thing too) so as you might expect, I don't really do the whole New Year's Resolution thingie. (I will, however, admit that I am on a self-created new "meal diversification and exercise expansion program". Lol) The plan includes plenty of veggies and me running like Harriet Tubman on the elliptical machine and treadmill, but also not falling to pieces if I may or may not have had some Creme Brulee Haagen Daaz within the last 24 hours *smile*

So far, I haven't fallen off the wagon... well too badly anyway. The first two weeks of this nascent annum bring good things in other ways too. I was just admitted into my first law school and am on the waitlist for two others (two schools in DC, one in Chicago) :) Glory be. I think I will actually "make that move" and go. Change is/will be good and who knows, it may give me more fodder to write. Goal is a book in two/three years, blowuptuated in five. (Range Rover, a Mr. Mahogany, 2.5 kids and complete house staff in TK years. Lol)

To mark the three-day weekend, I find myself celebrating my new old school acquisitions, courtesy of a Christmas gift card. Midnight Star and Shalamar are the newest members of my family. Please welcome them with your own rousing acapella versions of "The Midas Touch" and "For the Lover in You." (Did I ever mention how much I love me some Howard Hewett?! Heaven's to Betsy. Lol) I've decided today for the umpteenth time that I could listen to my music all day, write, and be pretty content with life. All the rest, seems sooo extra. Lol.

As you can see, I don't really have anything coherent to say today. I have made one vow--to post more often and expound more esoterically. Lol. So, that said, stay tuned for an upcoming point-by-point analysis of the Supreme Court hearings featuring Uncle Kracker... I mean Scalia... I mean Alito. I have an upcoming interview planned with the kind gentlman who cleans his hood and cape. Keeps that mess... sparkly white *smile.* Boy, oh boy, how I do just love America.

Lastly, I would have to admit to negligence if I didn't give a shoutout to those oh so innovative, thrice imitated, but never ever duplicated ladies who started this all off today, on January 15, 1908, on the campus of Howard University. To my Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorors, Happy Founders Day!

Skeeeeeeee Weeeeeeee


At January 16, 2006 4:10 PM , Blogger Lori said...

Shalamar! "Second Time Around" and "A Night to Remember" are on one of my many self-created workout CDs. Ah, the memories! I didn't think anyone else listened to them anymore except me.

CONGRATS on the law school front. That's very exciting.

And oh yeah -- good luck on your meal diversification and exercise expansion plans for 2006. LOL. When you state them like that, they sound much worthier of effort!

At January 17, 2006 1:14 AM , Blogger MHJ said...

happy founders' day!!! skeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee weeeeeeeeeeee!

At January 19, 2006 1:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanting to say hello to another fellow greek. And Happy belated Founders' Day.

At January 19, 2006 4:13 PM , Blogger Lorenz-Crunk said...

Happy New Year Soror. Sounds to me like you have a plan. Good luck with everything.

You can have the elliptical, it just is not my thing. Let me just run down the street like a mad woman and I'm good to go. Did I say "like" a made woman. I stand corrected. :-)

At January 19, 2006 5:55 PM , Blogger Maverick said...

Congrats on the law school acceptance...DC is the place to be!!!


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