
Banter on Tulips and a Tribe Called Quest, Jay-Z and John Coltrane, Outkast and Othello.


Word on the street...

So, I’m not normally one who dabbles in scuttlebutt, but the word on the street that grows ever louder (The Enquirer recently ran a story, and you know they get their facts right!) is that the oh so fine Denzel Washington has been seen catting around with Sanaa Lathan. The problem, sources say, got so out of hand that his long suffering wife, Pauletta, a strong, non-ambiguously black mother of his four children, put his petutie out. I surely hope that it isn’t so, as I would be much obliged to boycott Ms. Lathan (whose movie, “Brown Sugar” is one of my faves.) How can she in good conscience help break up a family? But then, I asked myself, why am I so willing to hate on Sanaa and not Denzel? Was I somehow silently agreeing to the creed that says “This is what men do, so don’t hold them at fault, but we women know better?” After all, I didn’t offer to never watch “Malcolm X” or “Man on Fire” again, but found myself disliking Sanaa with a quickness that rivaled only the speed at which I could type “that homewreckah heffah.” Have I willingly drunk the Koolaid? The question of the day…

Meanwhile, in other news, CNN reports that Bin Laden (and ‘nem) are planning more attacks on the US. Great. While, I’m not one to worry (God will take me when it’s time), but why does Mr. Laden have to notify us when he is about to do something? It isn’t nice or helpful. Doesn’t help us plan our vacations any better. So, Bin, please keep that news to yourself.

On other news, just read that soul legend Wilson Pickett passed away. At 64. Of a heart attack. It’s such a shame, but we can rattle off a list of black folks (men in particular) who have been felled because of heart disease in recent years. NFL defensive end Reggie White. Gospel singer Ron Winans. Stage and screen actor Paul Winfield. The list goes on. Now, I hate “we as a people” phrases, but sometimes they fit. That said, "we as a people have to take care of ourselves better!" That’s just it. No excuses. So, I have a date with the elliptical machine tonight. I’m trying to stick around as long as possible, as I have a lifetime of junk to talk. Lol.



At January 20, 2006 10:51 AM , Blogger Mahogany Elle said...

LOL @ "pork rinds, cigarette and 40 ounce." You're silly, Gunnar

At January 20, 2006 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well from what I know Sanaa is with Omar Epps and has been for a while. And for Denzel and Sanaa to even be.......Ewwwwww

Anywho lol@ gunner!!!! I was drinking a Dr. Pepper and you made me laff and I spit it out my nose now it burns like hell.

And thanks for my belated Founders Day@Mahogany

At January 22, 2006 2:16 AM , Blogger Sherlon Christie said...

I'll gladly take Sanaa Lathan off Denzel's hands.


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